What is a Primary Care Physician?
Dr. Avitabile is a top Primary Care Physician (PCP) in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Hamilton County. Our team here at RiverCity Family Medicine has extensive experience with general medicine, including the treatment of a variety of different illnesses and diseases. Dr. Avitabile is a diligent and compassionate Primary Care Physician and is happy to work with patients of all ages – specifically he specializes in those 18+ in age.
book onlineWhat should I expect from a Primary Care Physician?
Everyone needs a Primary Care Physician (PCP) in order to maintain a healthy life. It is important to have regular checkups and make sure to seek treatment if you are experiencing symptoms that are abnormal. Annual visits are highly recommended for routine screenings and personal safety measures to prevent illnesses.
What types of care are available?
Dr. Avitabile offers a wide range of medical treatments.
You should see a Primary Care Physician if you are experiencing:
- Cold and flu symptoms
- Ear infections
- Strep throat
- Respiratory infection
- Injuries
- Diabetes
- Depression
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Deciding on a Primary Care Physician
Establishing a relationship with a Primary Care Physician (PCP) is the most important thing to help with your current health status, needs, and preventions. Dr. Avitabile provides quality work and has a reputation in the Chattanooga area for being personable, warmhearted, and trustworthy. His sense of humor and nurturing personality brings a smile to each and every one of his patients. Your health isn’t something to take for granted and the best steps to take these measures is to find a Primary Care Physician that exceeds your expectations. Call RiverCity Family Medicine to book your next checkup with Dr. Avitabile!